Configuration of HeyQL for JIRA

Issue type activation

You are free to use HeyQL Metrics only in some, specific issue types.

To activate HeyQL Metrics simply:

  • open the Issue Type Configuration on the HeyQL Metrics configuration page
  • click the activate button next to each issue type you want to activate.

This way you can also easily deactivate the support for specific issue type.

Deactivation of HeyQL Metrics for specific issue types will NOT result in any data deletion.
Your data will be still there, if you decide to reactivate HeyQL Metrics for an once used issue type. 


Project activation

You are also free to use HeyQL Metrics only in some, specific projects.

To activate HeyQL Metrics simply:

  • open the Project Configuration on the HeyQL Metrics configuration page
  • click the activate button next to each project you want to activate.

This way you can also easily deactivate the support for specific projects.

Deactivation of HeyQL Metrics for specific projects will NOT result in any data deletion.
Your data will be still there, if you decide to reactivate HeyQL Metrics for an once used project. 

HeyQL Metrics will only be loaded by JIRA inside an issue, if the issue is using an activated issue type AND if the issue is part of an activated project.

Field mapping

Since the last release you can use all HeyQL metrics functions without any field mapping. All functions are available on the "Configuration" tab of metric.

Nevertheless there are some use cases for which customized fields are needed. E.g. for custom translations. So field mapping is still supported.


You are free to use your own custom fields to activate and configure HeyQL Metric features inside an issue. 
This way you can set title or axis label of a metric or you can define some chart areas and lines.
For more information see Metric Meta Data or Metric Areas & Lines.

Before you can map our own custom fields to the related HeyQL Metric Feature, your custom fields must already exist and must use one of the following custom field types:

  • Text Field (single line) 
  • Text Field (multi-line)

For each HeyQL Metric Feature you can select a custom field from a list of all available custom fields. You do not need to use and configure all features. If you do not want to use for instance automated JQL imports, set the value of the related Feature to HeyQL Metrics DEACTIVATED.

The JIRA administrator is responsible to make the configured fields available in the related screens and issue schemas.

Function De/Activation

Because of possible security or privacy policies in your company, all functions related external access to your metrics are deactivated by default.

These functions are:

  • Metric download and external integration
  • Metric REST API Access

You can activate them easily by selecting the related checkbox and click the save button.

If a function gets activated the first time, an api key is generated which needs to be used to get external access without providing any personal credentials.

For the download/integration function, the api key is automatically used in all integration links on the download tab of a metric.

For the REST API, the user must add the related key as URL parameter. Please see Metric REST API access and REST API for more information.