Metric Meta Data

HeyQL Metrics can read information about metric title, subtitle and more from fields on the "Configuration" tab. So if you want to change the title of a metric all you have to do is to edit the related title field. HeyQL Metrics will automatically reload its charts and tables right after you stored your changes.

HeyQL Metrics uses the following information as default values:

InformationDefault value
metric titlecurrent issue key
metric subtitlenot shown
metric x axis label"time"
metric y axis label"number"


HeyQL Metrics supports a bunch of parameters, which will be automatically replaced by the related information.

This makes it possible to combine different field values of your issue and use it as metric title or to add actual information like time and date.

%key%issue key
%summary%issue summary
%assignee%issue assignee full name
%assignee_img%issue assignee avatar
%reporter%issue reporter full name
%reporter_img%issue reporter avatar
%project%project name

project avatar

%date%current date
%time%current time

Statistic Parameters

Each metric statistic has its own name, which can be used inside JQL based searches in JIRA (e.g. metricMeanValue, metricDayMonthValue).

This name can also be used as parameter. A complete list of all search parameters can be found in Metric Search.


To use a parameter is quite simple. Just add it into the related field. For instance to get the actuall assignee into the metric title:

My metric title for %assignee%

You are free to combine different parameters.

Metric for %assigne_img% %assignee%. Title: %summary%

HTML Support

You can use standard HTML tags to formate specific parts of metric title, subtitel and the axis labels.

Common HTML tags

HTML tagdescriptionExample
<b>my metric</b>Makes the text boldmy metric
<i>my metric</i>Makes the text italicmy metric
<u>my metric</u>Underlines the textmy metric
<font color="blue">my metric</font>Makes the text bluemy metric

You are free to combine different html tags. For instance

<b><font color="red"><i> My </i></font> metric <b>

will result in: My  metric


Empty fields

X axis label 
Y axis label 

Static information

my title
Subtitlemy subtitle
X axis labelx axis
Y axis labely axis

Formated, static information

<b>SW Quality</b> Metric
Subtitle<font color="red">Team X</font>
X axis labelTime
Y axis label<i>Issues</i>

Dynamic information

%project_img% %key%: %summary% for %assignee_img% %assignee%
Subtitle%date% - %time% -Reported by %reporter% %reporter_img%
X axis labelTime
Y axis labelIssues

Formated, dynamic information

%project_img% %key%: <b>%summary%</b> for %assignee_img% <u>%assignee%</u>
Subtitle<font color="#555">%date% - %time% -Reported by %reporter% %reporter_img%</font>
X axis labelTime
Y axis labelIssues